Wall-to-Wall Studios Wins Best of Show, 5 Gold and 9 Silver in 2016 Pittsburgh ADDY Awards

The signature event within the advertising community, the Pittsburgh ADDY Awards celebrate the power of creativity and acknowledge the achievements in the past year. Wall-to-Wall Studios won the Best of Show Award, 5 Gold ADDY Awards and 9 Silver ADDY Awards at the 2016 ceremony held at the Carnegie Science Center. The judges, all from agencies outside the region, were: Mary Rich, creative director, Hill Holliday; Paula Biondich, managing creative director, Mono; Tim Hackney, creative director, The Image Group; Trevor Villet, associate creative director/group copy director, Planit Agency; Stephen Curry, creative director, Lewis Communications.
Several W|W projects also earned accolades on a regional level at the AAF District 2 competition, which covers the mid-Atlantic and New York markets. Emporio won Gold (Integrated Branding) and two Silvers (Website, Responsive Website), and CHROME won Silver (Employee Handbook).
The annual competition is conducted by the Pittsburgh Advertising Federation for the American Advertising Federation and is featured in these Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Pittsburgh Business Times articles. The winning Wall-to-Wall Studios entries included:
CHROME Federal Credit Union (view case study)
Best of Show + GOLD Award Winner - Integrated Branding (Integrated Campaigns)
GOLD Award Winner - Branded Environment (Installations)
SILVER Award Winner (+ District 2) - Brand Handbook (Collateral Material)
SILVER Award Winner - “Orange is the New Bank” (Outdoor Board)
Emporio, A Meatball Joint (view news post, view case study)
GOLD Award Winner (+ District 2) - Integrated Branding (Integrated Campaigns)
SILVER Award Winner (+ District 2) - Emporio Website (Consumer Website)
SILVER Award Winner (+ District 2) - Emporio Website (Responsive Design)
Watson Foundation (view case study)
GOLD Award Winner - Integrated Identity Campaign (Integrated Campaigns)
Wall-to-Wall Studios (view case study)
GOLD Award Winner - Occasional Cards (Advertising Industry Self-Promotion)
Pig Iron Public House
SILVER Award Winner - Integrated Branding (Integrated Campaigns)
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust
SILVER Award Winner - India in Focus Festival Integrated Branded Campaign (Integrated Campaigns)
SILVER Award Winner - India in Focus Logo (Logo Design)
Mabel Penna
SILVER Award Winner - Look Book (Collateral Material)
AIGA Pittsburgh
SILVER Award Winner - GUTS Poster (Collateral Material)