A Campaign You Can Trust

February 8, 2016

Wall-to-Wall Studios designed Trust Culture, an integrated campaign for the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, the transformative force behind quality performing and visual arts in the region. The Trust Culture campaign helps remind people of the bigger purpose, the importance, the value, the relevance of the trust by supporting, and investing, in culture. W|W helped the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust successfully reach, and exceed, their campaign goal of 10,000 members. The Trust Culture t-shirt was provided with certain membership packages as an incentive to be part of something big.

Culture doesn’t just enhance our individual lives — it transforms the region in powerful ways. In the hands of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, the region has trusted culture to grow the local economy. We’ve trust it to educate us…enlighten us…enrich our businesses…bring new and better jobs…attract capital and people…spur residential vibrancy downtown and beyond. For more than two decades, we’ve trusted culture to do all these things and more and we trust the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust to drive the momentum. Trust Culture.

View the case study.

View the promotional video.

Trust Culture branded environments
Billy Porter Trust Culture T-shirt
Mr. Billy Porter, 2013 Tony Award winner for Best Actor in a Musical