Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs and Develops Website for Fred Rogers Productions

Wall-to-Wall Studios designed and developed the new website for Fred Rogers Productions, the company behind children’s series Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, Peg + Cat, Odd Squad, Through the Woods and Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Fred Rogers Productions produces award-winning programs for children of all ages that feature relatable and relevant stories featuring diverse characters. The creative collaboration successfully extended the graphic identity of the recently rebranded organization into the digital space.
W|W’s approach to the project effectively captured the childlike elements of the brand while speaking to a primary audience of professional partners: creators, distributors, licensees and donors. The site’s architecture and user experience were designed with the needs of these partners in mind focusing on the content needs of current and future collaborators. The core of the website focuses on showcasing these productions using a robust custom post type that allows content managers the ability to associate a variety of data points with each production, including format, age group, number of episodes and runtime, learning themes and more.
The custom design was deployed by W|W on WordPress using a page builder plugin that provides the content management team maximum flexibility. The website also uses a variety of custom post types to handle more complex content models and relationships.
To learn more about the project, view the Fred Rogers Productions case study.