Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs & Develops Website for Shangri La

Wall-to-Wall Studios recently launched the new website for Shangri La, a museum that promotes the study and understanding of Islamic arts and cultures through exhibitions, guided tours, residencies, and community partnerships. Built in 1937 as the Honolulu home of American heiress and philanthropist Doris Duke, Shangri La is a living environment of Islamic art and architectural decoration.
Guided by an evolution of its mission and vision, Shangri La identified organizational goals that included expanding the museum’s cultural impact and empowering communities by representing forms of history, culture and identity that may be marginalized or misrepresented. Through W|W’s digital design process, the Shangri La website was restructured to better align with these goals and improve the overall user experience. The new website utilizes a modern JAMstack architecture for improved security, scalability and performance.
While in-person visitations are currently on pause because of COVID-19, Shangri La is providing online programming with details available at https://www.shangrilahawaii.org/
Visit the Shangri La case study.