Wall-to-Wall Studios Creates Occasional Playlists

Wall-to-Wall Studios is pleased to announce the launch of Occasional Playlists. Taking a slightly different tune than the agency's previous Occasional Greetings, the Occasional Playlists delivers music for any occasion curated by the collective W|W team. Drawing from a broad musical spectrum that spans all genres and moods, the 8 unique playlists have each been created around a different theme including topics such as Let's, GOAT, and Nuts. Whether you're getting into the zone at work or toasting to a friend, we've got the music covered. Get your headphones, earbuds, or speakers ready and start jamming at Occasional Playlists.
The Occasional Playlists takes its design cues from the official 2021 Occasional Greeting Card set, which is now available from the Occasional Shop.