Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Visual Identity for Make My Trip Count

September 14, 2018

Working in collaboration with Green Building Alliance, W|W designed the visual identity system for Make My Trip Count, a regional commuter survey. When the survey was initially deployed in 2015, over 20,000 respondents shared the when, from where, how often, and by what modes of transportation they traveled to work. The important data that was collected was leveraged by regional transportation leaders and influenced transportation projects such as the Bus Rapid Transit expansion.

In addition to its new visual identity, Make My Trip Count’s update in 2018 builds upon the success of the first survey by refining its questions and adding new forms of transportation such as ride-share, bike-share, and electric vehicles. By investing about 5-10 minutes to take the survey, participants can directly influence transportation polices that affect their daily lives.

Take the Make My Trip Count survey.

Make My Trip Count mobile view
Make My Trip Count graphic icons
Make My Trip Count logo knockouts