Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs Integrated Branding & Website for Waimanalo Health Center

March 26, 2014
Categories:Launches, Partnership

Waimanalo Health Center website

Wall-to-Wall Studios designed the integrated rebranding (logo/identity, usage guidelines, website) for Waimanalo Health Center, a private, nonprofit community-based Federally Qualified Health Center. Paying particular attention to the needs of Native Hawaiians and the medically underserved, Waimanalo Health Center is committed to providing the highest level of primary and preventive health services. The responsively designed Waimanalo website (http://waimanalohealth.org/) is powered by CMS, the W|W custom rails content management system.

About the logo: "Ola i ka wai a ka `ōpua” is the `ōlelo no`eau, or Hawaiian proverb, that provided the inspiration behind the Waimānalo Health Center’s logo. This `ōlelo no`eau means “There is life in the water from the clouds” which, in short, means that rain gives life. The Waimanalo logo illustrates rain cascading down the peaks of the Ko`olau Mountains and forming a hand symbolizing care and outreach to the community. The shape of the logo as well as the shape created by the hand alludes to a rain drop, signifying life and health.

View the Waimanalo Health Center case study.

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