Teenspace is a welcoming neighborhood space where teens can explore their interests and build their own future without pressure or expectations. W|W created Teenspace for the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh by leveraging the powerful insights that emerged from a research-driven brand platform & strategy. The design collaboration included the initial research and immersion (audit, interviews, peer analysis, etc.), strategic recommendations, naming, integrated design with visual identity, brand guidelines and marketing & communications plan. The implementation plan addressed a detailed strategy for the initial brand rollout (events, tactics, content guidelines, support collateral and timing) for both the soft launch for internal audiences and hard launch for the public. 

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace logo
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace logos


Teenspace’s brand promise - the commitment it makes to its audiences - is “space to be”. In other words, Teenspace is the place for teens to: get away, meet new friends, be geeky, discover new interests, feel part of something bigger, learn new skills, explore who they will be tomorrow, be themselves. As part of the strategy, W|W developed the authentic Teenspace brand values which are the core belief system that guides the behavior of everyone and everything associated with the brand. The platform also included writing guidelines to help ensure that the right tone and voice are used whenever communicating with teens to demonstrate that they are understood at a gut/brain level. 


Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace Layout
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace layout
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace  Space Hero Graphic
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace Layout
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace branded type
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace layouts
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace digital layouts


At the heart of the Teenspace identity is the Dynamic T - the whimsical ability of the logo to be featured in new ways to house all the great things happening at the Library at any given time, or just to express an attitude or tone. More than an identifier for Teenspace, the logo becomes an integral brand character that helps share the story, with the variations of the logo only limited to the imagination. The Teenspace square logotype and frames were created as secondary, complementary graphic devices to be leveraged in social media and certain marketing efforts. 

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace branded physical environment
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Teenspace branded physical environment

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