Wall-to-Wall Studios Launches CFL Ad Campaign for Hawaii Energy
If you're waiting for your old fashioned energy-sucking light bulbs to burn out before replacing them with energy-efficient CFL bulbs, don't wait. CFLs are so efficient, you'll actually save more money by switching your old bulbs out NOW. (Even if they are not burned out.) Wall-to-Wall Studios developed an integrated advertising campaign (including print, radio, online and this series of TV commercials) for Hawaii Energy that promote the benefits of switching to energy-saving compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). Residents are encouraged to take the Three CFL Challenge and replace a minimum of three more old-fashioned incandescent light bulls with CFLs. The online campaign also includes an interactive online savings calculator to illustrate the actual savings in real time (and real dollars). Hawaii Energy is the state energy conservation and efficiency program implemented to help reduce Hawaii's dependence on foreign oil. Wall-to-Wall Studios collaborated with Director Brett Wagner on both commercials.
View the Hawaii Energy case study.