Wall-to-Wall Studios Designs 2014 Annual Report for the Hawaii Community Foundation

August 21, 2014
Categories:Launches, Partnership


Wall-to-Wall Studios designed & developed the integrated (print & interactive) 2014 Annual Report for the Hawaii Community Foundation, a philanthropic organization that helps people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every island community. As a resource, a partner, a funder and as an advocate, at the heart of everything the Hawaii Community Foundation does is a commitment to deliver meaningful impact that will benefit Hawaii.


The annual report website was developed using the W|W CMS, (ruby on rails content management system), and integrated the use of Responsive Design to optimize the user experience for desktop, mobile & tablet devices. The annual report project reflects an ongoing collaboration with the Foundation that has included branding efforts on behalf of The Daniel K. Inouye Institute and Pillars of Peace, among others.

View the annual report website.

View the annual report case study.



Cover of the print version of the annual report.

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