Robert Morris University "Change A Life" Campaign Awarded 2 CASE Silvers and 2011 Golden Quill

June 17, 2011
Categories:Awards, Media, Partnership


"Change A Life", the branding campaign created by Wall-to-Wall Studios for Robert Morris University, a private, coeducational university in Pittsburgh, PA, was recently honored with several awards.


CASE, the Council for Advancement in Support of Education, recognized the campaign with 2 Silver Awards (Advertising Campaign, TV/Commercial Spots) in its Circle of Excellence competition, advancement’s premier international awards.


And, The Press Club of Western Pennsylvania honored the campaign in the 47th annual Golden Quill Awards, a competition that recognizes professional excellence in written, photographic, broadcast and online journalism in Western Pennsylvania.
Winner: Most Creative Use of Technology to Tell a Story

"Change A Life", the integrated marketing initiative, was deployed across outdoor, print, web, social marketing channels and admissions recruitment materials. "Change A Life" promotes the unique Engaged Learning curriculum, whereby students "reach-out" into the community to inspire change, including their own.

View the Robert Morris University Change A Life case study and TV commercials.

View the Robert Morris University Change A Life website.

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